Victor Bow – Neck Pain and Rotator Cuff Trouble
I’m retired a couple years from owning a Bed & Breakfast in Portrush. In and around that time I was getting a pain around my right shoulder.
It started off with pain around the shoulder then the pain spread down the arm towards the elbow, around the back of my neck. I felt a severe tightening just all round and my movement became more and more inhibited. It got more intense as time went on, it got to the stage where I was having difficulty putting on my shirt in the morning – simple things like washing the car became painful.
I went to my GP and they prescribed anti-inflammatories and painkillers. I’m not a great lover of taking tablet so I didn’t bother! I made a few enquiries and found out about Causeway Physio & Pilates. I made an appointment and I came in and the physio’s looked after me. They gave me exercises to do and I did them at home. I had dry needling which I found to be fantastic, I felt immediate pain relief with it and I actually liked it believe it or not! That was back in December 2017 and thank goodness I’ve been pain free since.
I can now wash my car without any pain, sleep at night without any pain and the other thing I would say when I was with my doctor I was advised to stop playing golf, which I didn’t listen to and thank goodness I can now play golf without any pain.
As far as I’m concerned Causeway Physio & Pilates helped me out 100%
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