Look at the pictures images below – which spine would you like? Hmm…… Let me guess, I think we’d all choose the one on the left! It looks smooth, no rough bits, even spaces and just generally looks a better spine.. doesn’t it!? It looks like a good spine healthy...
It’s just a scan right? How can it cause harm?…. How can it be ‘Dangerous’? Isn’t it a GOOD idea to get checked out? It might sound a bit extreme right to say an MRI can cause harm or even be dangerous but what we are referring to is the INTERPRETATION of the...
For many years, there has been conflicting advice about what to do when your back hurts. The “old-school” method of long term, complete rest has been thankfully put to bed, however sometimes, in the short term, rest has its place, and is needed to let your muscles...
This image is an MRI of a patient’s lumbar spine (lower back), showing a significant disc bulge. You can see the disc slipping out of place and squashing the spinal cord (white bit) – can’t you? This must be painful, right? And surely it could slip further and cause...
Most of us have some element of stress or anxiety in our lives. Whether caused by work, study, home life, family or health concerns. This blog will look at the links between stress and back pain – how stress can contribute to back pain, discuss how stress...
The image on the left shows a “normal, healthy” spine. The one on the right shows…you’ve guessed it – an arthritic, degenerated one. I have treated many patients with spinal images like the one on the right. One particular patient stands out. She came into the...